Thyroid Supporting Dish For Valentine’s Day

Picture of BiochemNordic


This Danish dish, which is called "Burning Love" is perfect for your thyroid function and perfect for Valentine's day. It contains ingredients that are part of BiochemNordic's thyroid supporting diet recommendations.

Supporting your thyroid function with the right diet is a must for people with hypothyroidism, as well as everyone that wishes to keep their metabolic rate up.
Our thyroid-promoting health advice includes a special and very different diet that speeds up cellular energy production.

This thyroid supporting valentine’s dish is more than 100 years old and originally from the countryside of Denmark. The name of the dish in Danish is “Brændende Kærlighed” and directly translated means “Burning Love”.

The recipe is very simple, as it only consists of a few ingredients, which are perfect for supporting your thyroid function!

Today, this dish is still served in many Danish homes and it is especially great for a cold and dark winter evening and Valentine’s day!

Burning love recipe:

Two persons
Preparation time: 30 minutes


Mashed potatoes
600 g (1.3 lb) potatoes (russet)
1 dl (2/5 cup) milk
25 g (1 oz) butter

200 g (7 oz) diced bacon
2 onions


  • Peel the baked potatoes and cut them into quarts.
  • Boil the potatoes in unsalted water, until tender; this usually takes about 20 minutes.
  • While the potatoes are boiling; peel the onions and slice them finely.
  • On a frying pan; fry the diced bacon until they are almost nice and crisp.
  • Add the sliced onions and fry until they become soft, transparent, and a little golden.
  • When the potatoes are done; pour away the water and let them cool off a bit without the lid.
  • Add the boiled potatoes into a large bowl and whip with butter and milk until all the potatoes are mashed. The consistency of the mash should be somewhat solid. Add salt to taste.
  • Serve this dish with the mashed potatoes at the bottom and the bacon and onions as a topping, the fat from the frying pan is also used as a sauce. Sprinkle with some chopped parsley.

Burning Love is traditionally served with pickled beetroots, these can be hard to find outside of Denmark, but in the United States, they can be found at the World Market stores.

Thyroid supporting diet

The recipe for this dish contains thyroid-supporting ingredients. This might seem strange but according to Dr. Ray Peat, a leading thyroid expert the saturated fats from the butter and the bacon support cellular energy production. The well-boiled potatoes are also very suitable for a healthy thyroid function. In our Hypothyroid Treatment Program, we go into details about foods that support your thyroid function.

A normal western diet contains foods that directly suppress thyroid function, both the production of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in the thyroid gland, but also the cellular response to the active T3 hormone. By eliminating all the thyroid-suppressing foods and instead basing your diet only on foods that promote metabolism and a healthy hormonal balance, your body is strengthened. You can learn more about the common foods and substances that suppress your thyroid function in our Hypothyroid Treatment Program.

Thyroid Treatment

BiochemNordic’s health products are based on my own recovery from hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances. I was very lucky to come in contact with an American biologist Dr. Ray Peat, whose health and diet principles helped me overcome my symptoms. BiochemNordic’s diet and health advice are based on the research of Dr. Ray Peat.

Our health method includes thyroid supporting diet advice, thyroid replacement therapy, supplementation with natural anti-aging and anti-stress hormones, as well as helpful vitamins, minerals, herbs, and light therapy. Our health advice will revolutionize the way you eat and think about health. Take a look at all our products here!