Dr. Ray Peat’s Health method:
This program teaches you Dr. Ray Peat’s health method for treating hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances.
Dr. Ray Peat has for more than 40 years researching the interactions of nutrition, hormones, and health. He has developed a health method, that is unique because it is built on a deep understanding of how the body works on the biochemical level.
How to overcome Hypothyroidism:
The program explains the balance of health and disease and what goes wrong with hypothyroidism.
You will learn how to shift your body from the low thyroid state, characterized by inflammation, stress, and degeneration to the high thyroid state where there are good levels of natural protective hormones and where healing and repair can occur.
Overcome thyroid related issues:
The program explains how to overcome health issues related to hypothyroidism, such as high cholesterol, estrogen dominance, water retention, food intolerance, high-stress hormones, candida overgrowth, digestion problems, constipation blood sugar problems, allergies, migraines, etc.
Ray Peat Diet:
The program presents a detailed explanation of the famous Ray Peat diet, so you can support your thyroid function with the right foods.
Dr. Ray Peat’s energy promoting compounds:
You will also learn about vitamins, minerals, herbs, thyroid replacement therapy, the protective function of the natural hormones (progesterone and pregnenolone), light therapy, and much more.
Understand Dr. Ray Peat’s research:
This program goes to great length to give clear and easy-to-understand explanations, so you can take advantage of Dr. Ray Peat’s amazing health advice even if you don’t have a scientific background.
See the “Table Of Content” to learn more.
Wojciech Majda –
If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to help you better understand and manage your hypothyroidism, then the “Hypothyroid Treatment Program” is definitely worth looking at. The program is based on the work of Ray Peat, a scientist and researcher who has dedicated his life to understanding the connection between thyroid health and overall metabolic function.
Ms. Benedicte did a great job explaining and condensing Ray Peat’s work (as it refers to hypothyroidism) to people WITHOUT Ph.D. in biochemistry!
Stig –
Great product – I should have bought this program earlier!
Constantin –
After having read the program I understand much better, how my body is affected by what I eat, and I realise that I have to change what I am eating. Thank you!
Michael –
Very very good! This program gives you, in a compact form, an understanding of how your thyroid is functioning, and how important it is for your metabolism and the energy of your cells. It explains complicated stuff in a way, so at least I could understand most of it.