Hypothyroidism Diet?

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If you are a thyroid patient suffering from hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) it is important to base your diet on foods that support your thyroid function and avoid food that suppresses cellular energy production.

Can Diet Affect Energy Levels?

According to Dr. Ray Peat, the gap between the body’s resources and the demands placed on it from the environment creates disease! 
Thus harmful degenerative processes occur instead of repair and healing when there is a lack of cellular energy production. Our diet recommendations support the energy production systems of the body, meaning thyroid function/metabolism.
BiochemNordic’s hypothyroid treatment program provides information and easily understandable explanations on which foods support the body’s thyroid function, and which food directly suppress cellular energy production. Our diet recommendations are based on the revolutionary research f Dr. Ray Peat, who for more than 40 years has researched the interplay between thyroid function and foods.

What Is The Best Thyroid Supporting Diet Plan?

BiochemNordic’s hypothyroid treatment program teaches you about our thyroid supportive diet, you will learn: 
Why sugar is necessary for a healthy metabolism.
What types of carbohydrates and sugars are best for thyroid function 
What oils directly harm your body’s thyroid function.
What types of fats are supportive of cellular energy production.
How much protein your body needs in order to keep the liver healthy.
What types of protein is best for your metabolism.
How to combine food to optimize and stabilize your blood sugar.
What types of supplements are helpful in an energy supportive lifestyle.
And much much more…………
You can learn more about BiochemNordic’s hypothyroid treatment program and see the whole table of content here!
BiochemNordic’s diet guides help you implement our thyroid supportive diet into your daily routine. The diet guides include meal examples and protein and calcium guides that teach you how to get enough of these anti-inflammatory nutrients into your daily diet. Learn more.

Are There Foods To Avoid With Hypothyroidism?

The western diet and many health diets contain foods that directly suppresses thyroid function. So if you are not using a special thyroid supporting diet, you are most likely getting many foods and substances that directly inhibit your thyroid function and cellular energy production.
In our Hypothyroid Treatment Program Module 2, you can learn about what foods and substances suppress your thyroid function. BiochemNordic’s approach to treating hypothyroidism is always to start out with a thyroid supporting diet, before using thyroid medication.

What Is The Ray Peat Thyroid Diet

BiochemNordics thyroid promoting diet advice is based on the research of Dr. Ray Peat, an American biologist who from more than 40 years has researched the interaction between nutrition, hormones, and health.
I have used Dr. Ray Peat’s revolutionizing thyroid promoting diet concepts, in my own hypothyroid recovery. When you visit our homepage (biochemnordic.com) you can sign up to my mailing list and get my health story, where you can learn how I used Dr. Ray Peat’s diet and health principles to overcome hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances.

Can You Heal Hypothyroidism With Diet?

You can significantly increase your metabolism by using the right diet principles. In order to have a good thyroid function, you need a high-quality diet each day.
For optimal production of thyroid hormones T4 and T3, your body needs enough high-quality protein, fats, and carbohydrates daily. In addition, special anti-microbial fiber-rich foods and certain vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy metabolism and hormonal balance.
Our diet advice is based on the research of Dr. Ray Peat. This diet is not just another quick fix, instead, it is built on a deep understanding of how the body works on the biochemical level. The main principle is to provide the cells of your body with the best food sources for producing energy.
Our Hypothyroid Treatment Program is our main product and goes into detail about our diet and health method for overcoming hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances.

What Is The Connection Between Liver Function Hypothyroidism?

What is the connection between liver function and hypothyroidism?
The liver has many important functions in controlling thyroid function on the cellular level. Without good liver function, your production of the active thyroid hormone (T3) is not sufficient.
The liver controls most of the conversion of the inactive thyroid hormone T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3, and good liver function requires a large amount of high-quality protein as well as good sugars and carbohydrates to function optimally.
High-quality protein can come from certain dairy products, eggs, and selected meats. Healthy carbohydrates come mainly from low starch fruit and vegetables.
A healthy liver function also requires enough of all the b-vitamins as well as selenium, thus it is important to focus on getting enough of these vitamins and minerals through your diet.
Our Hypothyroid Treatment Program goes into detail about how to support liver function with foods and supplements, and our Protein Guide further helps you get enough good high-quality protein.

What Fats Are Good For Thyroid?

An important principle of a thyroid supporting diet is to use the right fats. On a normal western diet, people are getting oils that powerfully suppress thyroid function on every level, including the production of the thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland, transport of the thyroid hormones in the blood as well as the cell’s response to the active thyroid hormone (T3). Therefore our thyroid supporting diet includes fats that support thyroid function and excludes oils that suppress metabolism.
Module 3 of our Hypothyroid Treatment Program goes into detail about the different kinds of fats and oils and how they affect thyroid function.

What Is The Connection Between Liver And Thyroid Function?

The liver has many important functions in controlling thyroid function on the cellular level. Without good liver function, your production of the active thyroid hormone (T3) is not sufficient.
The liver controls most of the conversion of the inactive thyroid hormone T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3, and good liver function requires a large amount of high-quality protein as well as good sugars and carbohydrates to function optimally.
High-quality protein can come from certain dairy products, eggs, and selected meats. Healthy carbohydrates come mainly from low starch fruit and vegetables.
A healthy liver function also requires enough of all the b-vitamins as well as selenium, thus it is important to focus on getting enough of these vitamins and minerals through your diet.
Our Hypothyroid Treatment Program goes into detail about how to support liver function with foods and supplements, and our Protein Guide further helps you get enough good high-quality protein.

What Is The Best Hypothyroidism Diet?

Our Hypothyroid Treatment Program goes through all our diet and health principles for treating hypothyroidism. You will get a detailed description of our diet principles, with biochemical explanations for all our recommendations, as well as other important health and lifestyle information for improving thyroid function and the hormonal balance.
If you want a simple overview of our diet principles without the biochemical explanations the Simple Thyroid Diet Program is a good option. However, if you are not yet familiar with Dr. Ray Peat’s research, you can find some of the recommendations very strange, as our thyroid diet goes against many of the popular health advice.
Thus if you are completely new to Dr. Ray Peat’s health method we strongly suggest getting the Hypothyroid Treatment Program.
Our Thyroid Diet Meal Guide helps you implement our thyroid supporting diet principles into your daily routines. Our Meal Guide provides you with suggestions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as in between meals for supporting your thyroid function and hormonal balance.