Terms and Conditions


The content of this site and BiochemNordic’s E-learning materials are protected by copyright under international conventions, thus its reproduction, distribution, republication, and/or retransmission is prohibited unless the prior written permission of BiochemNordic has been obtained.

BiochemNordic’s online E-learning materials @ All rights reserved: In order to protect the copyright, our E-learning materials are mostly online only, without the possibility of download or screenshot. The E-learning materials may not be distributed, copied, edited, reproduced, or transmitted in any way, electronic or mechanical including e-mail, fax, photocopy, manual recording, or any information retrieval mechanism without the prior written consent of BiochemNordic.

A reviewer may quote brief passages in connection with a review written or recorded for inclusion in a blog, newspaper, magazine, e-book, or video. To request permission to review please contact BiochemNordic via e-mail: [email protected]

Return Policies

The e-learning materials are not refundable after you log into your account. This is to ensure the misuse by people who read the e-material first and then return it. Mistake purchases, such as purchasing the same e-material two times are of cause refunded. 

After purchase, the video counseling sessions are not refundable. However, we are flexible when it comes to moving a session to fits your needs. 


When you purchase any service or product from BiochemNordic you agree to use the information in accordance with our disclaimer